
Visionary Ventures for Future Made Possible by Science

IP group





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Pricing delayed 2 hours. Oct 16, 2024 8:00 AM

Investment Thesis

IP Group

IP Group is a publicly listed, early-stage investor across the life sciences, cleantech and deeptech sectors. Each highly innovative company within its portfolio aims to have meaningful societal impact as well as generating substantial financial returns. With over 20 years of experience and significant sector expertise, IP Group has a proven track record having backed three companies that have achieved billion-dollar valuations.

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Nuclear energy, if we do it right, will help us solve our climate goals.

Bill Gates

Former Manging Director of Microsoft

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Two companies that stand out are Hysata and Istesso. Hysata is the world's most efficient hydrogen electrolyser company and has made significant technological process this year. It has received an incredibly high level of commericial interest for such a young company.Istesso discovers and develops drugs for severe chronic diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis. Its current lead compound is in clinical trials and has shown promising signs that it may act as a cure to the underlying condition as well as just treating symptoms.
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team member

Greg Smith

Chief Executive Officer

Greg was appointed Chief Executive Officer in October 2021. He has more than 20 years of experience in financial services and investment management.
team member

Daniel Baynes

Chief Financial & Operating Officer

David was appointed to the IP Group Board in March 2014 following the acquisition of Fusion IP plc, a company he co-founded in 2003. While at IP Group, David sits on several portfolio company Boards.
team member

Joyce Xie

Managing Director, Global Capital

Joyce joined IP Group in 2016 and has led many cross-border investment transactions. Joyce is one of the founders of IP Group Greater China, helping to build partnerships in Greater China.
team member

Angela Leach

General Council and Company Secretary

Angela has been with the Group since 2007. Before joining the Group, Angela worked as a corporate lawyer at CMS Cameron McKenna and Memery Crystal.

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