
Ploughing Towards Automated Farming

Updated September 2024





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Pricing delayed 2 hours. Oct 16, 2024 8:00 AM

Investment Thesis

Investment Thesis

Deere & Company, commonly known as John Deere, is an American corporation with deep heritage and history that has transformed over the years from a traditional manufacturer into a technology-driven company at the forefront of agricultural innovation. Through its groundbreaking advance technologies, John Deere is playing a vital role in tackling sustainability issues from feeding our growing population to reducing chemical use and improving crop health. The transformation from a traditional tractor company to an innovative AgTech firm with strong long-term growth prospects makes this an intriguing equity story worth exploring further.

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“agribusiness has a huge role to play in responding to climate change”

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The primary driver of John Deere’s revenue is the demand for agricultural machinery. This demand is influenced by factors such as global food production needs, commodity prices, and farm income levels. When farmers have higher income, they are more likely to invest in new equipment, driving sales for John Deere. The company also generates significant revenue from its construction and forestry division. Growth in infrastructure projects, urbanisation, and housing developments increases the demand for construction machinery, which boosts John Deere’s sales in this segment. John Deere’s leadership in precision agriculture technology is a major growth driver. Products that enhance farm productivity, such as GPS-guided tractors, autonomous machinery, and data-driven farming solutions, attract customers looking to improve efficiency and yields.

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team member

John May

Chief Executive Officer

May became the company’s Chief Executive Officer in November 2019 and assumed the position of Chairman in May 2020. Under May’s leadership the company’s market capitalisation has more than doubled, exceeding $100 billion for the first time. He joined John Deere in 1997 after working as a management consultant at KPMG Peat Marwick.
team member

Jahmy Hindman

Senior Vice President & Chief Technology Officer

Hindman has held the position of SVP & CTO since July 2020, and is responsible for building Deere’s “tech stack,” the company’s intuitive end-to-end equipment solution. Under Hindman’s leadership, John Deere has received CES ® Innovation Awards for four consecutive years in a variety of categories including Robotics, Vehicle Intelligence & Transportation, and Sustainability, Eco-Design & Smart Energy. Hindman has more than 25 years of advanced technology, artificial intelligence, product engineering, and manufacturing experience. Most recently, he led the engineering team for Deere’s flagship tractor product line.
team member

Joshua Jepson

Senior Vice President & Chief Financial Officer

Josh Jepsen has been SVP& CFO since September 2022. He is responsible for advising the chief executive officer and other leaders on major financial and strategic issues AND manages the worldwide accounting and finance function, including enterprise efforts related to sustainability. Jepsen joined the investor relations team as manager of investor communications in 2015 and three years later became Director, Investor Relations. He was named Deputy Financial Officer in March 2022.
team member

Josh Beal

Chief Information Officer

Josh has worked at John Deere for more than 23 years in various positions, and became director of investor relations in October 2023.

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