
One of Europe's leading waste-to-product companies

Updated August 2024





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Pricing delayed 2 hours. Oct 16, 2024 12:00 AM

Investment Thesis


Renewi is one of Europe’s leading waste-to-product companies turning waste into low-carbon secondary raw materials. It’s primarily located in the Netherlands and Belgium. Its activities span the collection, processing and resale of industrial, hazardous and municipal waste. They invest in cutting-edge technologies to improve recycling processes and efficiency. The company is deeply committed to sustainability, helping to reduce carbon footprints and promote environmental responsibility. Increasing regulations around waste management and recycling provide a favourable market environment for Renewi’s services. They have shown consistent revenue growth, supported by strong market demand for recycling.

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The Circular economy is : 1. Using less resources 2. Using longer stuff for longer 3. Using everything again and again 4. Regenerating (by having a positive effect)

Vojtech Vosecky

Circular Economist

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Renewi will benefit in the long run from new regulations in several ways. The European Union and National Government policies are increasingly pushing for circular economy practices. These include eliminating landfills and reducing incineration, which aligns with Renewi's goal of diverting waste from incineration to recycling. Renewi's expertise and infrastructure position them well to capitalise on these regulatory trends. Additionally, Renewi has invested significantly in new technologies and facilities, such as advanced sorting lines and bio-LNG facilities. While these improve their operational efficiency, they also ensure compliance with evolving regulations, thereby future-proofing the business against stricter environmental standards. The increased demand for recycled materials driven by legislative changes creates more market opportunities for Renewi. Regulations that mandate higher recycling rates and the use of secondary materials directly support Renewi's business model focused on producing high-quality recyclates. This alignment with regulatory requirements enhances Renewi's competitive advantage and long-term growth prospects.

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team member

Mark Thys

Chief Operating Officer Commercial Waste

Mark joined Renewi in May 2021 as the Managing Director of Commercial Waste Belgium. Prior to this, he served as the Global Chief Transformation Officer for Eurofins Scientific. Mark's career includes various senior roles at Goodyear Dunlop, such as Managing Director of International Sales and Operations, Managing Director of France & Benelux, and EMEA Business Transformation Leader. He holds an MSc in Commercial Engineering from the University of Hasselt and an Executive MBA in Business Management from KU Leuven.
team member

Otto de Bont, MSC

Chief Executive Officer

Otto was promoted to the role of Chief Executive Officer in April 2019. Prior to this, he was the Managing Director of Renewi’s Commercial Waste Netherlands Division, playing a central role in the integration of Shanks Group plc with Van Gansewinkel Groep B.V. Otto holds a MSc in Engineering from the University of Technology Twente. He is a member of the Strategic Advisory Board of TNO’s unit for Energy and Material Transition.
team member

Annemieke den Otter

Chief Financial Officer

Annemieke joined the Board on 1 June 2022. Previously she held the position of CFO of ERIKS, a €1.7 billion revenue global engineering components and service provider (privately owned and part of SHV group). Annemieke holds a master’s degree in English and Literary Science from the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam and has a post-masters degree in finance and control from Erasmus University, Rotterdam (Register Controller in Dutch).
team member

Bruno Bruins

Chief Strategy Officer

Bruno joined Renewi in May 2024 as Chief Strategy Officer. He has extensive experience in the logistics sector, gained from his time at HTM (The Hague Tramway Company) and Connexxion Holding NV. Bruno studied Dutch Law and Public Administration at the University of Groningen.

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