
Energizing the planet with clean, base-load power!

Updated September 2024





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Pricing delayed 2 hours. Oct 16, 2024 8:00 AM

Investment Thesis

Executive Summary

Uranium Energy Corp ("UEC") is a leading North American uranium mining and exploration company. It controls one of the most significant uranium resource portfolios in the Western Hemisphere. UEC has other diversified holdings of uranium assets, including one of the largest physical uranium portfolios of U.S. warehoused U3O8; and a major equity stake in the only royalty company in the sector, Uranium Royalty Corp. Uranium Energy Corp is well positioned to capitalise on the world’s increasing demand for uranium to fuel low-cost, safe and reliable clean baseload energy.

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"Nuclear power is superior to all other forms of energy, not only in terms of its material intensiveness [or lack thereof], but also its capacity factor and its low energy density."

Chris Martz

Uranium expert

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The key risk points to the fact that UEC has never actually produced uranium. It went public in 2007 at the height of the last uranium bull market and since the subsequent crash, the uranium market has been inactive. With plans to restart some production in August 2024, it will be relying on the skills and leadership of its management team to facilitate this transition. Thankfully the UEC management and Board of Directors have hundreds of years collective experience in the uranium industry and at some of the more senior miners.

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team member

Amir Adnani


Amir Adnani is the President, Chief Executive Officer, a director and a founder of Uranium Energy Corp (UEC: NYSE American). Under his leadership, the company has become the fastest growing uranium company listed on the NYSE American with the largest resource base of fully permitted ISR projects of any U.S. based producer.
team member

Spencer Abraham


Spencer Abraham served as the 10th U.S. Secretary of Energy from 2001 to 2005. Under his leadership the department made major advances in the development of new energy technologies, successfully implemented a variety of nuclear nonproliferation and nuclear security programs after the September 11 attacks, and launched initiatives to improve the nation’s energy security. He also had responsibility for U.S. national labs and energy research activities.
team member

Pat Obara


Mr. Obara served as the Chief Financial Officer of UEC from August 2006 to January 2011 and as the Vice President Administration of UEC from January 2011 to October 2015. Previously, Mr. Obara worked as a consultant to several private companies in the areas of corporate management, finance and administration.
team member

Scott Melbye

Executive Vice President

Mr. Melbye is a 40-year veteran of the nuclear energy industry with leadership roles in major uranium mining companies and industry organizations. He is currently the President, CEO, and director of Uranium Royalty Corp., and an Advisor to the Nuclear Engineering Program at the Colorado School of Mines. He previously served as Vice President Commercial for Uranium Participation Corporation and Advisor to the CEO of Kazatomprom. Until June 2014, he was Executive Vice President, Marketing for Uranium One, overseeing global uranium sales. He also spent 22 years with the Cameco Group, where he most recently served as President of Cameco Inc., managing global marketing and trading activities with annual sales over 30 million pounds U3O8.

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